Fighting Tigers
Robert Taylor
On August 5, 1944, following a successful attack on Japanese forces just north of Changsha, P-40 Warhawks of the75th and 16th Fighter Squadrons, 23rd F.G., are attacked by enemy Nakajima fighters and a massive dog-fight has developed over the Hsiang Chiang river with aircraft wheeling and turning in all directions.
32” x 24”
AVG (American Volunteer Group) Folio Edition
1 of 850
Signed by Robert Taylor and:
Major General JOHN ALISON
Lieutenant Colonel DON LOPEZ
Brigadier General WILTZ SEGURA
Issue Date: 1996
Includes certificate of authenticity with print number and short history of each signatory.
This copy of the AVG Folio Edition is issued with the companion pencil print: Tigers on the Prowl.
Folio Edition also signed by:
Colonel Charles Older
Flight Leader Dick Rossi
Flight Leader Erik Shilling
$635 NZD