Height of the Battle - Robert Taylor

Height of the battle

Robert Taylor

Having already made one diving attack into the force of Luftwaffe He111 bombers approaching London with their fighter escort, Sqn Ldr ‘Sailor’ Malan, C.O of 74 Sqn and one of the great Battle of Britain Aces, peels his Spitfire over for a second attack. Another top Ace, Harbourne Stephen, is hard on his heels while below them Mk.I Hurricanes from 17 and 56 Sqn's have already joined the fray - 11th September 1940.

  • 32” x 24”

  • Artist Proof RAF Edition (1 of 35)

  • Signed by Robert Taylor and issued with a companion print, between them carrying the signatures of no less than SEVEN Battle of Britain fighter pilots.

    • Squadron Leader CYRIL 'BAM' BAMBERGER DFC

    • Squadron Leader JOHN BENTLEY BEARD

    • Squadron Leader BEN BENNIONS DFC'

    • Marshal of the RAF SIR JOHN GRANDY

    • Wing Commander TOM NEIL DFC* AFC AE


    • Wing Commander GEORGE 'GRUMPY' UNWIN DSO DFM*

  • Issue Date: 1996

  • Includes certificate of authenticity with print number and short history of each signatory.

Issued with a companion print, Hurricane Attack.

  • An expert behind the controls of the Hurricane, Sqn Ldr John Grandy, C.O of 249 Sqn, prepares to pounce on a Bf110 over the Isle of Wight in August 1940.

  • 24” x 16”

$1095 NZD

Hurricane Attack - Robert Taylor